Sunday, February 22, 2009


"It's not just what you eat.The key to long life is also how much you eat."

10 Do's and Dont's to live long:
  1. Don't oversleep:More than eight hours is not healthy.
  2. Be optimistic:It decreases the risk of early death by 50%.
  3. Lose weight:Obesity is lnked to diabetes and heart disease.
  4. Get a pet:Pets reduce levels of the stress hormone,cortisol.
  5. Be rich:Higher income makes it easy to engage in health promoting behaviours.
  6. Quit smoking:It's linked to most common causes of death in the elderly.
  7. Chill out:The anger-prone are 6times more likely to have heart attacks by the age of 55.
  8. Pop antioxidants:Cinnamon to blueberries , they ward off cell damage and delay ageing.
  9. Marry well:Pick a spouse whose family shows longevity and it may help your kids too.
  10. Exercise a lot:Maintaining weight will give you energy and ward off stress.
Longevity And Mood:
The Big 5 Personality Traits
that help people to live and thrive.........

  1. Extroverted character
  2. Agreeable manner
  3. Conscientiousness
  4. Emotional stability
  5. Openness to experience
It extends lifespan and delays the onset of age-related diseases.


Start with 70 years ,average life expectancy in India.

Depending on your answers to those questions add or subtract appropriate number of years:::::
ATTITUDE:Are you optimist?Do you approach life with good humour?Are you able to let go of stressful things?If no subtract 5 years. 70-5=65

GENES:Do you have at least some family members who have lived past the age of 90?Exceptional longevity runs strongly in families.If yes then add 10 years.
EXERCISE:Do you set aside at least half an hour ,three days a week ,to exercise?Muscle building exercises are particularly important.If no,subtract 5 years. -5=70
INTERESTS:Do you do things that challenge your brain,regularly?It's important to take on activities that are novel and complex.If yes,add 5 years.
NUTRITION:Do you have a diet which eeps you lean?If no,then subtract 7 years.
SMOKING:Do yo smoke?If yes subtract 5 years. -5=63

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